Even in the hands of a trained, experienced, and gifted physician, cataract surgery has possible problems and risks. Knowing what to expect following cataract surgery helps you stay away from problems as well as notify the doctor of yours if something goes wrong.
Prior to the operation, we are going to go over the medical risks and unwanted side effects with you and answer all the concerns of yours. After the treatment of yours, he’ll closely monitor your eyes’ healing for any issues.
Blurred vision is a common side effect of cataract surgery. Thankfully, the haziness is generally just transitory and fades with time. If you’ve recurrent blurriness, you need to consult the doctor of yours.
Patients with light colored eyes may have increased sensitivity to light after cataract surgery. Usually this’s just temporary and may be stayed away from by wearing sunglasses on days that are sunny. Light sensitivity that lasts much longer than a couple of days may suggest an illness or perhaps inflammation.
Capsule Opacification
Around thirty % of cataract surgery individuals develop posterior capsular opacification (secondary cataract). This occurs once the membrane that used to keep your normal lens now holds your intraocular lens implant. Similar to primary cataracts, it is able to produce foggy or perhaps blurred vision.
Secondary cataracts can be remedied by using a laser surgery in the clinic. A YAG laser gets rid of the damaged capsule portion, allowing light to get into the lens and reach the retina.
The YAG laser therapy usually improves vision within a person to 2 days.
Inflammation or irritation After cataract surgery, some individuals have ocular inflammation or perhaps discomfort. Irritation that persists may necessitate treatment. Dr. Mark Mandel administers various eyedrops to help prevent inflammation and infection following cataract surgery.
Cataract surgery is a safe and common technique which improves vision. Serious issues are uncommon among the four million cataract surgeries performed annually in the US.
While everyone’s recovery process is different, you will find a number of typical difficulties which come up during the recovery process of the eyes.
Below are 10 common post cataract surgery issues, the causes of theirs, and solutions.
Hazy vision Some patients report blurred or perhaps hazy vision for weeks or days after cataract surgery. This’s generally caused by natural eye swelling after surgery.
Larger, denser, or perhaps harder cataracts tend to be more vulnerable to inflammation. At first, some individuals may feel as they are in a vapor chamber.
What aids Anti inflammatory eye drops recommended by your ophthalmologist will assist. The swelling should go down and the vision of yours will need to improve within a week. Patients with corneal illness, for example Fuchs dystrophy, may take as much as a month to recover.
When to visit a physician If the blurriness persists for a week, see an ophthalmologist. Other reasons of persistent fuzzy vision include residual refractive error, dry eye, or perhaps posterior capsule opacity (PCO).

Just about all people suffer a bit of dryness after cataract surgery. When your surgeon can make the incisions to reach the lens of yours, a number of nerves on the surface area of your eye are damaged. The feedback loop tells the eye of yours to generate lubricating tears. The nerves usually repair in 3 months, but for now, the eye of yours won’t feel dried out and tear output may drop. In case you currently have eyes that are dry before the surgery, you could get a lot drier. Dry eye is able to result in pain, sensitivity to light, and/or blurred vision.
What aids Artificial tears with no preservatives are able to treat mild dry eyes. Wait five minutes after applying prescription drops before using tears to stay away from diluting the medication.
When to visit your doctor If OTC tears do not work, talk about your ophthalmologist about more options.
Discomfort/sense of something in the eye After surgery, many patients complain of sand in the eyes of theirs or perhaps itchy eyes. The small incision in your eye is causing this feeling, that ought to disappear in a week or perhaps so. It may continue up to 3 months in case you’ve eyes that are dry. During cataract surgery, some people call for an eye stitch. You should not mind, but sometimes sutures need to be removed following surgery.
Postcapsular opacity (PCO)
PCO, a relatively common issue which can arise weeks, months, or perhaps years following cataract surgery, can lead to impaired vision. Wrinkles or lens capsule haze, causing eyesight blurring. PCO is caused by cells sticking with the membrane over time.
What helps
A YAG laser capsulotomy is able to cure this issue safely and quickly. An aperture in the clouded capsule is going to enable light to run through for clear eyesight. An incision isn’t necessary.
Unwanted glare, halos, and other After cataract surgery, many people encounter unexpected visual images (dyphotopsia). Positive dysphotopsia causes glare, light streaks, and halos. They’re most common at night or perhaps in light that is low, especially with multifocal lenses. These effects are definitely more obvious between second and first eye surgeries. Positive dysphotopsia is brought on by residual refractive error, which could be corrected using glasses. Sometimes PCO is the issue, and YAG laser therapy is able to help.
What aids If not one of these issues exist yet glare and halos continue, your ophthalmologist may prescribe night drops to help eliminate unpleasant visuals.
After surgery, some individuals experience an arc of light or perhaps a crescent shaped shadow. Negative dysphotopsia affects aproximatelly fifteen % of patients. Doctors are uncertain about the cause. Dysphotopsia often resolves by itself after a couple of months.
When to visit your doctor If dysphotopsia persists after 3 4 months, your ophthalmologist will recommend therapy.

Because of eye dryness, some mild sensitivity is predicted after cataract removal. If your eyes squint or perhaps shut when exposed to light, it may be a sign of iritis, or perhaps eye inflammation.
What aids An ophthalmologist’s steroid drop is able to assist. Wear sunglasses for several months until your iritis clears up. It generally happens as you taper down your anti-inflammatory medications.
When to visit a doctor Dry eyes and blepharitis is able to induce light sensitivity. Some other factors may have to be addressed. Light sensitivity might indicate illness. Call your ophthalmologist in case you experience this.
Confused or nauseous
Nausea is a typical side effect of IV anesthetic used for sedation. Post-operative nausea is typical for one day or perhaps 2.
What helps
Drinking lots of water and getting a meal when you get home should help.
When to visit a doctor Ocular hypertension (high eye pressure) might make you feeling nauseous. Special surgical gels can temporarily elevate ocular pressure. Glaucoma patients may have increased ocular pressure. A physician ought to evaluate your ocular pressure the day following cataract surgery and treat you if needed.
Eyes swollen Post operative redness or perhaps bloodshotness is frequent. It’s normally due to inflammation or perhaps a subconjunctival hemorrhage (broken blood vessel). Although this may seem scary, it’s usually harmless and cures on its own. It occurs much more commonly after laser cataract surgery, which uses suction on the eye. Blood reabsorption takes 2 to 3 days before the area completely disappears.
When to visit your doctor See your ophthalmologist if your eye redness is accompanied by discomfort, light sensitivity, or perhaps changes in vision.